Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Roman Catholics once got all of their parish-related news by way of their parish’s weekly bulletin and their archdiocesan newspaper. These print sources alerted them to Mass schedule changes, anniversaries, deaths and funeral notices, baptisms, and other relevant faith-based details.
If they missed Mass or lost their newspaper in the mail, people had no way of knowing what was going on in their parish. Parishes and the Catholic archdiocese of Detroit, however, continue to embrace technology to reach parishioners and alert the laity to the goings-on of the Church and the parish itself. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2oQyrxm

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Greektown is among the most prominent entertainment districts in downtown Detroit. It became a commercialized district in the 1960s and is now one of the most visited areas in downtown Detroit. With a variety of restaurants, hotels, and the renowned Greektown Casino, you can experience the vibrant culture of Greektown.
Most visitors park in the nearby parking structures and walk along Monroe Avenue between Brush Street and St. Antoine Street to visit the attractions. You can also ride the People Mover train, which provides transportation to the Greektown area and other downtown attractions, such as Grand Circus Park and Cobb Center.
Historical Catholic Churches
The Catholic Church is one of the oldest branches of Christianity since the beginning of the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church continues to be a celebrated religion among Christians. Many of the earliest built Catholic churches are still standing today, including Old St. Mary’s. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2oj66g0

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Roman Catholics may wonder why they should register as members of Catholic churches in Detroit. Membership in a parish entitles Catholics to numerous privileges that may not be accessible to them if they failed to register at all. These privileges can be significant to their lives and to their ability to practice their faith.
Registering as a Parishioner
Practicing Catholics in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican are welcome to numerous entitlements. These privileges range from celebrating sacraments to having a priest or lay council intervene on their behalf during circumstances like annulment procedures.Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2oQxo0o

Friday, December 11, 2015


When Pope Benedict XVI ordered that the Roman Missal be revised, few people could predict how the changes would be received by parishes throughout the world. Before the former pope introduced these changes, the Missal has not been changed in over 30 years since the introduction of Vatican II.
People who had grown up with the post-Vatican II Missal, and even people who had grown up during the era of the Latin Mass, were comfortable and happy with the Missal as it was. Since its introduction in 2011, Pope Benedict’s Missal has met with a myriad of changes among Detroit churches and across the U.S. and the world. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2ojd98l

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Why did Jesus have to die on the Cross?

What does passion of Christ really mean? Some people would say it’s the period of the intense suffering in the life of Jesus Christ from the Garden of Gethsemane to the crucifixion, while some know it through images of grisly punishment represented in the movie of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Both these views are reasonably correct, buy there is much more to discover about the passion of Christ.

God’s word to humanity says that all people have sinned against Him by breaking His commandments. Even a single sin committed against God is enough to separate us from Him. But God’s love for us didn’t falter, so He knew that there was only one way to redeem all of mankind to Himself. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to live a sinless life and die on the cross as a sacrifice for the people’s sins. Jesus could have refused to do that for us but He didn’t. The source of His passion was His love for us.

For the sake of bringing back humans to God, Jesus made Himself nothing. He left the glory of heaven and take the human form to live an obedient life of self-sacrifice required for the holiness of God. To know more about Jesus, visit Old St. Mary’s catholic church today.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

His Resurrection: Easter Sunday

Christians rejoice and celebrate at the last day of Lent. Easter centers on the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death by crucifixion. The word “Easter” is believed to be derived from “Estre”, who is an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. All the majors of Christianity celebrate this holiday. Jesus Christ’s resurrection is the centerpiece of the whole Christian faith. Easter is also the oldest Christian holiday. And another special thing about Easter is that all the movable feasts and the entirety of the liturgical year of worship are all centered on Easter.

Religious Observances during Easter Sunday

The common elements that are being observed in most Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant churches during Easter include baptism and the Eucharist. In Roman Catholicism, Easter is celebrated with a vigil that includes “the blessing of the new fire”, a service of lessons, called the prophecies, lighting of the paschal candle, followed by the blessing of the font and ended by baptisms and the mass of Easter.

Another tradition that is associated with Easter is the tradition of finding Easter Eggs. Eggs are connected to the symbol of spring, which means life and rebirth, the same as Easter. However, some Christians do not follow this custom due to its pagan connotations.

As Easter Sunday comes, we should take heed of the significance of the day, and celebrate appropriately according to our own Catholic traditions.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Story of Palm Sunday

A few more weeks and the whole Christian community will mark the beginning of Holy Week. The sixth and last Sunday of Lent is known as the Palm Sunday. On this special day for the Church, Christians celebrate the triumphant entry of our Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, which happened a week before his death and resurrection. According to the bible, when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the citizens greeted him by waving palm branches and covering his path with the palm branches. This scene was followed by Jesus’s journey to the cross.

The Symbols Surrounding Palm Sunday

One of the symbols associated with Palm Sunday is the part where Jesus rode a donkey that paved his way with palm branches. This signified the fulfillment of prophecy spoken by the prophet Zechariah. In the customs back then, kings and nobles arrived in processions while riding the back of a donkey. The donkey is the representation of peace and those who rode the donkey proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches signified that the king or dignitary was arriving in triumph or victory.

Monday, March 2, 2015

A Pilgrimage of Faith, Devotion, and Passion

The Stations of the Cross play a big part of the Catholic Church’s Holy Week traditions. The devotion is centered on the Passion of Christ where the entire Church recalls the journey of Jesus’ suffering and death. Most churches have the stations displayed within their walls, but on Holy Week the spiritual pilgrimage is sometimes brought to life with actual scenes and can be spread across a town to make the journey more meaningful.

The History Behind the Excursion

For years, the faithful have been telling the story if Jesus’s passion, death, and resurrection. When the opportunity arose for the followers of Jesus to visit Jerusalem, they were determined to see the sites where Jesus have been, as these were important holy connections to Him. Not long after, the way of the cross became part of the Catholic Church tradition and replicas have been created all over the world for devotees to share in the pilgrimage.

Why Do the Stations of the Cross?

Reliving the journey of Jesus before his death and resurrection is a powerful way to connect with faith and Him. There is a lot of time for reflection and prayer while participating in the Stations of the Cross. It is way of being more open to the love of our Father and His Son. The Stations of the Cross is a tradition that is an honor to take part of during the Holy Week. Join the Catholic Church in honoring and praising the Lord’s sacrifices and blessings this coming Holy Week of 2015.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Catholic Traditions During the Holy Week

For Catholics, the Holy Week is a very special event that is celebrated long before the actual days occur. This year (2015), the commemoration of the Passion of Christ begins on Palm Sunday, which falls on March 29, 2015 and ends on Holy Saturday, which is on April 4, 2015. During this week-long celebration of devotion and faith, there are many traditions the Catholic Church encourages its members to participate in to welcome Easter Sunday.

Palms and Processions

A week before Easter the Catholic Church recalls Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. During this time, the Jews expressed their praises by throwing cloaks and palm branches on the road. At Palm Sunday Mass, there is a blessing of palms which the devoted and faithful carry as they process into the Church.

Veiled Images

At the start of Palm Sunday, some churches use a purple cloth to cover religious artworks, with the exception of stained glass windows and the Stations of the Cross. It is a somber custom to help devotees concentrate on the essentials of Christ’s work of Redemption.

The Lord’s Supper

A special Mass of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated by the Catholic Church on Holy Thursday. This is a significant moment which occurred the night before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ where he transformed bread and wine into his own Body and Blood.

Washing Feet

Following in Christ’s footsteps during the Last Supper where he washed the feet of his 12 Apostles, the priest does the same during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.

Embrace the Cross

On Good Friday, the church celebrates the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion which includes the veneration of the Cross. Here, the faithful process as a priest of deacon holds a wooden crucifix and they revere it with a kiss or a bow. The Holy Week is a time for devotion and honoring the sacrifices of Jesus for His brothers and sister. Join the Catholic Church this 2015 in celebrating our faith and many other customs from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Bread and Wine of Catholic Faith

The word “Eucharist” means thanksgiving, and that is why the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is the celebration of the Blood and Body of Christ. It is the time where Christians could show their unending gratitude. From the appearance of bread and wine, our Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received. Christ is constantly present in the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Mass is also the time when all the faithful could be with God, to tell Him all of their praise and ask for guidance and help.

The Significance of the Bread and Wine

The Holy Mass is a ritual that is full of metaphors and images that signifies the presence and the Holiness of Christ. The Catholic faith is a faith that relies on representations and images to convey the subliminal and inexpressible Being, and that is God. The Bread and the Wine signifies the Body and Blood of Christ. Through the Holy Eucharist, people will be able to receive the Holy Blood and Body of Christ, to be one with Christ. Receiving the Holy Eucharist also cleans the soul and washes away our sins.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Healers of Souls

A very unique and a beautiful aspect of Catholicism is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ created and established the Sacrament of Confession to help us sinners receive forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God and with the Church. The Sacrament of Confession can be seen as a way of cleansing our soul and washing away the sins that has made our soul heavy and dark. This is the way the God created for us to help us find the path that leads to him. A step in faith, the Catholic Church welcomes you back and calls you to participate in this wonderful sacrament of healing. 


Helps You Know Thyself Better

St. Augustine and many other doctors of the Church talk about how important knowing ourselves is. Once we come to know ourselves better, we would see how fallen we are and how lacking we are from God’s grace.


Bringer of Peace

Having guilt from all the sins we commit would make us feel heavy-hearted and confused on what to do next. Eventually, you would lose your peace. Once you heard the forgiving words of God through Confession, all the burdens, all the chains that has been chaining you down would vanish and peace would return to your heart.